Ft. Monroe Living History After Action Report
/As your captain, I apologize for the lateness of this AAR.
So begins a new re-enacting season with the unit's first event of the year, March 24-26.
Fort Monroe was small in unit attendance but large in camaraderie and a general good time.
We've proven once again that we can do drill work with just three horses.
The weather, although cold at night, turned out to be favorable in wool, with overcast skies during the day. Two demos each day had a fair turnout of people still interested in preserving American history.
Mentioned in these dispatches are Trooper Sopko for the breakfast and dinner meals and for his behind-the-scenes tasks as POC working with NPS Ranger Firth to bring us "back to the Fort," as Ft. Monroe’s first Cavalry living history post-Covid. Trooper/narrator Mize for coming out, even though he was not feeling his best due that weekend. He is much on the mend now. Thanks to aggressive social distancing and being upwind, as of this report, none of the unit has come down with anything. I commend Trooper Marci for being back in the saddle both days after a long absence. We wish her nothing but the best. And thanks to Trooper Riggleman for his expertise with gun cleaning, smithing, and narration, and Trooper Jan for providing us with an abundance of lunch sandwiches and her renowned cookies.
I look forward to riding with all of you in the future.
Very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant,
Brad E. Thomas
Captain, Commanding
2nd U.S. Cavalry Company A/9th Virginia Cavalry Company D