The 2nd U.S. Cavalry Co.A/9th Virginia Cavalry Co.D/Virginia Light Horse is a mounted reenactment group portraying U.S. Cavalry and Confederate troopers of the Civil War and, as of 2023, the Virginia Light Horse, a troop of Continental cavalry active during the Revolutionary War. Most of our members live in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. Throughout the year, we participate in battle reenactments, living histories in support of the National Park Service, and tactical events. We are a nonprofit organization incorporated through the consent of our membership.
Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General Rodenbough inscribes his book From Everglade to Canyon with the Second United States Cavalry: "To the memory of the late Major General John Buford, Major and Inspector-General United States Army, Formerly Captain Second Dragoons...". We in the 2nd U.S. Cavalry reenacting unit dedicate our web pages and living history efforts to General Buford, and to all United States Dragoon and Cavalry soldiers of all periods.
We owe more than we can ever repay.
Toujours Prêt!